The Queenslander Prospect is centred around the old Queenslander Mine which is approximately 2km south-west of the township of Sofala in central NSW. Sofala is about 260km north-west of Sydney and can be accessed by the Great Western Highway.
The Mine was first discovered in 1888 and worked until 1935 on a small scale. Total tonnage mined was in excises of 7,011t producing 3,696 oz Au averaging 6 g/t Gold.
Untested magnetic linear structure striking over 700m in length – potentially hosting gold mineralisation. MinRex’s maiden first pass drill program over the Queenslander Prospect intersected thick high-grade gold mineralisation including 23m @ 5.08g/t Au.
Recent Drilling Program (December 2023 – January 2024)
MinRex has completed four diamond drill holes for 552m to test for extensions of high-grade gold mineralisation previously intercepted. Assays confirmed several narrow high-grade intersections from drilling, including:
o 1.0m @ 9.69 g/t Au from 74m (MQD001).
o 1.0m @ 6.30 g/t Au from 105m (MQD003).
o 0.6m @ 16.10 g/t Au from 45.8m (MQD004).
MinRex continues to assess the numerous historic gold workings to generate additional drilling targets at its Sofala Project.